We are currently holding all Teen Advisory Group meetings online only on Zoom.
The next TAG meetings are Wednesdays, January 6 and 20 at 4:30pm
If you are interested in joining please email teenservices@bpl.bc.ca
Do you have some ideas on how the library can serve teens in our new world of social distancing? Want to make booklists? Write book reviews? Want to share your thoughts on distance learning? Need to earn a few community service credits? Or maybe you just want to see some real people!
What is the Teen Advisory Group?
The Teen Advisory Group is for teens who want to make the library better for themselves and other teens. The library belongs to teens as much as anyone else in the community, so we want to know what you'd like to see from us--whether it's physical space, stuff you can borrow, programs you wish we had, or places you wish we visited.
The Teen Advisory Group (TAG) is a diverse, inclusive group of teens from the Burnaby community interested in championing and improving teen library services in Burnaby. The overall goal of TAG is to help improve teen library engagement. TAG advises plans, creates and promotes library services as the voice of the teen Burnaby community.
How to Join?
All teens are welcome to join, including those who come to the library regularly and those who have never used the library before. Just drop by a meeting to see if it's for you. All teens will receive a letter confirming their community service to the library.
Next Teen Advisory Group meeting: Wednesday, January 6 at 4:30pm
What qualifications do I need to be in the Teen Advisory Group?
- Willing to share ideas in a group
- Willing to think about issues in your community
- Willing to attend a virtual monthly meeting
I have a food or movie request!
Please let Teen Services Librarian Andrea Lukic if you are interested in participating in this program in the future. Text her your suggestions at 604-314-2480.