
Burnaby Public Library serves all members of our community at all ages.  Visit these links below or on the left menu to explore the resources and material that may be of interest to seniors. 

Events and programs
Find out about what events and programs for seniors Burnaby Public Library has to offer.

Resources for seniors and caregivers
Learn about collections at BPL, and check out recommended websites on health and wellness, housing, transportation, legal services and more.

Visit this section to learn about collections of interest to seniors, including large print, audiobooks, and e-books.

Assistive technology
Learn about equipment and software to assist patrons with print and other disabilities at BPL.

Home Library & Accessible Service
BPL's Home Library Service delivers materials Burnaby seniors who have difficulty using the library for health reasons, or due to lack of access to transportation.

Questions? Phone us at 604-436-5410 or email us, and our staff will be happy to assist you.