Citizenship and immigration

Recommended websites

Canadian citizenship | Newcomer assistance

Canadian citizenship

Practice for your exam in either English or French with this sample test prepared by Richmond and Ottawa Public Libraries.

Federal government site with information about how to become a Canadian citizen, including the study guide for the citizenship test, 'Discover Canada'.
-Applications, kits, forms (sponsorships, visas, etc.)
-Online services (application status, change of address, payment of fees)

The new study guide for the citizenship test. Information on how to obtain a copy is on the Citizenship and Immigration Canada website. View some sample study questions.

Use your postal code to locate your Member of Parliament.

Find your Member of the Legislative Assembly by using your postal code.

Newcomer assistance

Self-help guide for single newcomers. Available in 20 languages, it provides suggestions for 21 of the most common issues encountered by newcomers resettling in Canada.

A telephone information and referral service that provides free, confidential, and multilingual information about a full range of community, social, and government services in the Fraser Valley, Metro Vancouver and Squamish-Lillooet Regional Districts.  Or search the Red Book Online database of more than 5,600 services and agencies.

The Burnaby Intercultural Planning Table (BIPT) Inventory of Resources for Immigrants is a directory to more than 100 programs and services for immigrants and refugees in Burnaby and surrounding communities. The inventory also includes information on ethnic and cultural associations, and walk-in health clinics where doctors who speak an additional language are available.

The Burnaby Intercultural Planning Table (BIPT), a working group of senior representatives from 25 different agencies, addresses the issues and needs of immigrants and refugees in Burnaby. The BIPT web site compiles news stories, reports and resources about immigrant issues at the local, regional and national level. It also profiles many of the organizations and people who work to help newcomers integrate successfully into Burnaby.

The Settlement Workers in Schools program is designed to support families during their first years in Canada. It is funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada and supported by the Burnaby Board of Education. The SWIS web page also has a Q & A for New Immigrants section about municipal, provincial and federal programs and other settlement information.

National website and free monthly publication with information to help immigrants settle into Canada. It includes news, advice, stories, guides and forums that cover pertinent issues and challenges immigrants face.

Free online magazine for new immigrants that releases six digital theme issues per year and regular features and stories almost daily. Subjects covered include employment, education, settlement, health, life in Canada, finances, and legal issues.

Online guidebook with important information about First Nations and aboriginal issues produced in collaboration with First Nation groups, settlement agencies, and the provincial and federal governments.

Human Rights Program of the Department of Canadian Heritage produced this guide which includes the complete text of the Charter and a discussion for explanatory purposes.

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) is the Government’s national housing agency with resources to help people settle in Canada. Find out about renting an apartment or buying and looking after a home.

NewToBC unites 10 public library systems in Metro Vancouver to help connect newcomers with programs and services in their community.

Free service from Vancouver Public Library to help you find the information you need to get a job in your field of education and experience.

Provincial site with information on relocating and settling in BC.

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