Tommy Douglas

Directions | Branch information | Internet access | Computer lab |
Computer classes

Tommy Douglas


The library is located on the north side of Kingsway, just west of Edmonds Street. Take the Millennium or Expo line to Edmonds station, or take the 106, the 119 or 133 bus. 

To support social distancing guidelines, the public parking garage at Tommy Douglas is temporarily closed.

15 minute and handicapped parking is available next to the library entrance, on Walker Street.

Two hour parking is available in the neighbourhood.

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Branch information

Size: 17,500 square feet

Visit the branch blog for more information about the new Tommy Douglas Library – see photographs, floor plans, architects' drawings and more.

Neighbourhood information >>

Internet access

Wireless Internet access is available at all branches of the Burnaby Public Library. Tommy Douglas has 34 public Internet terminals, including 12 in the computer lab, four 15-minute express stations and six children's Internet terminals. All PCs have Microsoft Office 2010 installed, and have DVD/CD-RW drives and USB ports.

For more information on computer and Internet access at BPL, visit our computers and wireless page.

Computer lab

Bibliotech, Burnaby Public Library's creative technology lab, is located at the Tommy Douglas Library and includes 14 workstations for public use. These include 12 PCs running Windows 7, and two iMacs, running OS X Lion. The workstations have photo and video editing software installed. There are also two flatbed scanners available: one on an iMac, and one on a PC.

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Computer classes

Tommy Douglas occasionally offers basic computer classes in the computer lab. Each class is usually one two-hour session, and is led by a librarian.

For more information about current computer classes, please visit the Tommy Douglas computer class Events & Programs listing.