Information for newcomer families

BPL for families
An overview of our collections, services and programs for children and families.

Your first language: a precious gift to your child
You can help your child's language development when you speak your first language. This  one-page BPL handout (PDF) can be downloaded in more than 25 languages.

Storybooks Canada
A website with multiple languages, and original stories from Africa for children and families.

World language collections
Children's books in Chinese, French, Korean, Spanish as well as a growing sample of My First Language Kits and other books in many more world languages.

Learn about Canada
Welcome to your new home!  Explore websites, books and more about Canada's land and people.

Listening to spoken English
Children learn language by listening. Find information and resources to hear English in fun and interesting ways.

ESL: Vocabulary, writing and grammar
Books, spoken word kits and DVDs for learning English basics.