Once you've confirmed your eligibility for Home Library Service, register using our online form and we'll contact you with the next steps. You can also download our registration form [PDF] and Accessible Audiobook Services eligiblity form [PDF], then contact us at 604-436-5423.
The information on this form is collected under the authority of the Library Act and is needed to process your application for a patron library card. The information will be used to verify your eligibility for borrowing privileges including your debt status with other area libraries, and will be retained as a record of your agreement to be responsible for all materials borrowed on your library card. If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information, please contact the Chief Librarian at Library Administration, 604-436-5427. Burnaby Public Library reserves the right to release, to third parties, information from its borrower records on users who are in violation of library rules.