How do I suggest a purchase?
Burnaby Public Library welcomes your suggestions for new items not found in our library catalogue. Please email us with the title you're interested in, along with the format (book, magazine, e-book, audiobook, etc), author's name, publisher information, date of publication, or any other details that might help us locate the item.
We are most likely to purchase suggested titles that were published within the past few years and are currently available at a reasonable price. For older titles, please ask library staff to assist you with an interlibrary loan request.
If the item you're suggesting for purchase is a print book and you'd like it held for you, please include your library card number and the name of the Burnaby Public Library branch where you would like to pick up the item. We do not place holds on suggested purchase materials in other formats, including e-books, spoken word materials, music or DVDs. For materials in these formats, we ask that you check the library catalogue periodically and place your own request on the title.