How do I submit my book or other work to the library?

Burnaby Public Library welcomes suggestions of material for its collections, including from local authors. If you're an author or other creator who would like to see your work at BPL, email us with information about the work, including the title, format, publisher and links to reviews, if any.

All suggested purchases are evaluated by BPL's acquisitions department in accordance with the library's collection development policy.

You may be contacted if we decide to add your work or need more information. Due to the volume and variety of requests, BPL is unable to respond to every submission and does not return unsolicited material. You are welcome to drop off or mail a single review copy of your work to the library with the understanding it will not be returned:

Acquisitions Department
Burnaby Public Library
6100 Willingdon Avenue
Burnaby, BC V5H 4N5

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