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Note: On December 17, 2020, RBdigital audiobooks and ebooks moved to Library to Go/OverDrive. Learn More.

A platform offering over 3,200 magazines (including over 750 in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish). Download titles to a mobile device using the RBdigital app, or stream on your computer. Access RBdigital through a browser first to sign up for an account before using the app.

RBdigital app | RBdigital help


In the library and at home with your library card.

This continuously updated company directory allows you to access comprehensive information on 1.5 million Canadian businesses. Find contact information, owner's name, credit rating, sales volume, number of employees and more.


In the library and at home with your library card.

Road to IELTS is a comprehensive online preparation course developed by the British Council. The program includes more than 300 interactive activities with instant feedback, plus video tutorials and mock papers. Suitable for English language learners preparing for the IELTS Academic exam, or simply interested in practicing their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.


In the library and at home with your library card. Limited to three concurrent users.