Popular fiction

Recommended websites

General resources | Book clubs | Films based on books | Historical fiction | Horror | Mysteries | Romance | Science fiction

General resources

Detailed book reviews from many different genres of books.

Many resources for the reader including reviews and reading lists.

Find complete author book lists (bibliographies), discover fiction books in a series, read descriptions of individual books, and search over 250,000 fiction titles using multiple criteria.

An online book review site with both current reviews and reviews for previous decades.

Check out Oprah's recommended books.

Information about all fiction genres with annotated lists, hot lists and upcoming new titles.

Reading suggestions, fiction prize winners, blogs and more from this eminent newspaper's site.

Whichbook enables millions of combinations of factors such as happy or sad, optimistic or bleak and then suggests books which most closely match your needs.

Book clubs

Everything you need to know to get started on your book group – from the American Library Association.

Includes guides for book club discussions (searchable by author, title and category); author biographies and interviews; tips for book club meetings; a newsletter section with items of interest to book clubs.

Films based on books

Lists of books made into movies listed by movie title, year of release, book title, book author. Provided by the Mid-Continent Public Library in Kansas City.

Historical fiction

Over 5000 historical novels listed by time and place. Some reviews.

News, views and reviews of historical fiction.


Wide range of sites for the lover of horror fiction.


Crime Writers of Canada (CWC) is a national non-profit organization for Canadian mystery and crime writers, associated professionals, and others with a serious interest in Canadian crime writing.

Reviews, news, reading groups, mystery bookstores, and more.

Site dedicated to crime, mystery and fantastic fiction.


With over 6,000 romance novel reviews and new ones every day, hundreds of romance author interviews, blogs, popular romance reader forums, industry coverage, and more, All About Romance continues to be the romance destination of choice for millions of readers.

Science Fiction

Announces new titles by Canadian Sci Fi authors and features links to sites of interest to Sci Fi readers and writers.

Book reviews, author interviews, excerpts from Sci Fi literature, reading lists and comprehensive links to Sci Fi resources on the web.