Make a donation

Donations to the BPL Endowment Fund | Donations of books and other materials

Your donation helps so much...

For more than six decades, Burnaby Public Library has been significantly improved through generous donations received from thousands of library supporters. Donations large and small ensure that your library will continue to evolve and serve the community in the future.

Donations to the BPL Endowment Fund

Tax deductible donations can be made to:

If you would like your donation to be used for a specific purpose other than these funds, please contact Beth Davies, Chief Librarian at 604-436-5431 or to discuss your wishes.

Donations may be made online via Canada Helps, in person at any library branch, or by mail: 

Beth Davies, Chief Librarian
Burnaby Public Library
6100 Willingdon Avenue
Burnaby, BC V5H 4N5

Burnaby Public Library is a registered charity and donors receive a charitable tax receipt for all donations. Gifts may take the form of cash donations, bequests, naming the library as beneficiary of a life insurance policy, or gifts of real property.

Donations of books and other materials

For health and safety reasons, we are not accepting donated materials during COVID-19.